Re-canvass & re-calling voters
Discover how to reset a person's completion status so they can be recontacted
Often during a campaign, you'll want to connect with potential voters, volunteers, etc., more than once.
For example, you may run an initial door knocking exercise to build awareness for a candidate and to collect data about key topics. Later in the campaign you may want to run a persuasive canvass and then lastly a final GOTV effort – for a total of 3 contacts at the door. This guides explains how you can reset the status of a contact before hitting them again.
The role of tagging in FieldEdge
To keep track of what people in your nation have been contacted during while canvassing or phone banking, FieldEdge "special FE tags" to reflect the interaction. The tag includes if it was a walk or call and if they were completed (any status) or skipped.
As of late April, these interactions apply across all lists and in proximity walks. So if a person was completed during a canvass on one list, they will be completed on another list or while using Proximity Walk.
In order to re-canvass or re-call a person, their completion status will need to be reset by removing the special FieldEdge tags. You can do this either using a batch update to a list in NationBuilder or by using FieldEdge HQ' List Reset tool.
Want to know more detail about FieldEdge special tags? Read our guide here
Two Methods of Resetting a List
The FieldEdge HQ Reset Tool streamlines the process of re-canvassing or re-calling by providing an easy-to-use interface for resetting contact statuses in one place – with several options.
It allows you to reset a list with OLD FieldEdge special tags (applied prior to late April 2024). For people canvassing or calling during the April transition period, this List Reset Tool offers a way to only reset tags applied from past canvassing or call session – attempting restore the list to it's previous status. Open the List Reset tool in FieldEdge HQ or take our List Reset Tool tour.
Why Method Should I Use?
Targeting Your Resets
Say you want to only reset people who were not home during when you knocked. To do so, create a filter in NationBuilder, add these people to the list and then reset the list using one of the methods above.
Last updated
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